Developing prevention and treatment solutions with
our innovative biotechnology

At KM Biologics, we understand the growing needs of today. That’s why we perform cutting-edge research into biological pharmaceuticals to develop vaccines for humans in a timely and strategic manner. We have expertise in biotechnology such as culturing technologies for cells, viruses and bacteria, blood plasma protein isolation, and protein engineering. We continue to lead the way in research and development within the biologics industry.

Solution development

Pioneering technology

Our prolific R&D program has a wide range of technologies for developing vaccines and recombinant plasma proteins.

Rational vaccine design technology

We have developed a variety of technologies for the attenuation and inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms to create conventional vaccines. Moreover, we actively incorporate new technologies and methodologies for rational vaccine design. This includes computational design, B-cell and T-cell epitope identification, glycosylation, chemical conjugation, and VLP formulation based on the concept of structural vaccinology.

Recombinant protein expression technology

In mammalian cells, we have expressed a number of blood coagulation factors, which require post translational modifications, and monoclonal antibodies.

By utilizing expression plasmids carrying our proprietary CAG promoter, we can achieve world-class fibrinogen expression levels in optimized culture conditions.

With E. coli, we have prepared several therapeutic enzymes as investigational drugs using refolding technology.

With yeast, we achieved an expression level of 5 g/L of human serum albumin. We are capable of culturing up to 4,000 L of yeast for vaccine production.

Virus and bacteria culturing technology

Our track record in culturing vaccines speaks for itself, with the successful development of a duck embryonic stem-cell-based influenza vaccine and a Japanese encephalitis vaccine using microcarriers and Vero cells. Using the Vero cell platform, we are continuing research into new dengue and Zika virus vaccines.

Our ability to control the growth conditions of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, botulinus, Hib, E. coli, and salmonella bacteria cells allows us to ensure the stable supply of vaccines.

Recombinant viral vector vaccine technology

Using the approved vaccinia virus vaccine (LC16m8), we have been conducting research on recombinant viral vector vaccines for human use. By creating our own viral genome recombination technology based on a vaccinia virus-bacterial artificial chromosome (VAC-BAC) system, we have the base to develop both vaccines and therapeutic agents. In addition, we have received approval for a recombinant viral vaccine for veterinary use.

Therapeutic antibody creation technology

We conduct R&D on many therapeutic monoclonal antibodies by harnessing our technologies, such as the humanization of murine monoclonal antibodies, phage display of human antibodies, stabilization based on molecular modeling, and affinity maturation by molecular evolution.

Vaccine-related technology

We conduct research on vaccine formulation, drug delivery systems, new adjuvants and new modality such as mRNA vaccine. We are also establishing pharmacometric systems using viruses and bacteria.

Meet our scientists

Our visionary scientists have backgrounds in science, pharmacology, engineering, agricultural science, and veterinary and agricultural science, among others.

Our targets

Looking to the future, we will continue to pursue innovations in our core fields, while expanding our targets to include gene therapy, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine.

Our targets include:

  • Vaccines for human use

    Vaccines for
    human use

  • Recombinant protein products

    protein products

  • Blood plasma protein products

    Blood plasma
    protein products

  • Therapeutic antibodies


  • Gene and cell therapy

    Gene and
    cell therapy

  • Regenerative medicine


R&D facilities

Kikuchi Research Center is the core of our R&D activities.

The center employs state-of-the-art devices and equipment necessary for the research and development of biological drugs, including cell culture equipment used to manufacture investigational drugs.

R&D facility
Cultivation room